This is a new take on my previous sweet potato recipe. I really enjoy these easy to make wedges, they feel a lot more naught than they are but the upside is that they are really good for your gut, high in vitamin A which is an antioxidant and a beneficial anti-inflammatory food, low in calories and taste amazing!

Salad is great for gut health as the fibre helps to promote a healthy BM and the nutrients themselves all aid inflammation reduction, which is one to eh main causes of IBS. However, if you know that tomatoes affect your IBS (these can be problematic for around 17% of women with IBS) then leave these out or choose another salad vegetable that you are comfortable with.

You won’t see onions added to my salads as I, like many women with IBS cannot tolerate them. Onions affect a whopping 67% of women with IBS and this is one of the major drawbacks of eating out as almost everytihgin contains Onions or Onion powder. Which is why I cook everything from scratch.

Give this tasty treat a whirl and don’t forget you can share it on Pinterest and Twitter straight from this recipe! I always appreciate a share, so thank you in advance.



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Sweet Potato Salad
Course Salads
Cuisine Vegetarian
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 12 minutes
1 person
Main Ingredients
Wedges Seasoning
Course Salads
Cuisine Vegetarian
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 12 minutes
1 person
Main Ingredients
Wedges Seasoning
  1. Wash and chop eat potato into wedge shapes. I try to keep mine all similar in size so they cook through at the same time with a bas around 2 cm wide.
  2. Par boil the wedges for up to 5 minutes. don't overdo this as they might go soggy.
  3. Drain the wedges and coat them in the seasoning ensuring they are covered evenly. Now add them to your Air Fryer (or oven on a baking tray) for 10 - 12 minutes. checking and turning occasionally.
  4. Whilst the wedges are being cooked, wash and chop your salad and make your dressing. Simply add all the ingredients together and stir.
  5. I made a salad with the cucumber and avocado and coated these in the dressing and kept the rest of my salad bare, as I prefer how this tastes.
  6. Once the wedges are cooked, serve and enjoy x
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