Porridge Oats are slow release Carbs that will keep you feeling fuller for longer. The Banana is loaded with Potassium which is great for brain function and Blueberries are packed with Antioxidants that will help prevent free radical damage to your cells.

The Salt will help replenish Electrolytes and provide energy, as will the Maple Syrup (try to source organic and pure forms of these flavourings).

*OPTIONAL* Use seeds if staying away from nuts and nut products. The Walnuts will provide omegas (healthy fats), Protein and Vitamin E, another powerful antioxidant.

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Blueberry Porridge
Cook Time 8 minutes
2 people
Cook Time 8 minutes
2 people
  1. Boil a kettle and place the oats and water in a saucepan. Add a pinch of salt.
  2. Stir for 2 – 3 minutes and then add the banana in small pieces. Stir in the banana, breaking it down into a smooth consistency.
  3. Add the washed blueberries and again, break them down until at least half of them have burst, spilling the blueberries juice into the porridge and turning it a deep purple. (You can swap the blueberries for Raspberries for a Pink Porridge instead!)
  4. Serve the porridge and add a tsp of maple syrup too each bowl and some crushed walnuts.
  5. Enjoy this delicious, healthy and nutritious breakfast!
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