Spinach & Eggs

Spinach & Eggs

Print Recipe Spinach & Eggs This hearty green breakfast is just what I needed after my training session at the gym but you don't have to be on a get fit quick plan to enjoy this simple colourful breakfast. And it can easily double up as a lunch, too. Green Power...
Veggie Bubble

Veggie Bubble

This recipe was born out of necessity as I hadn’t been shopping and was hungry. But it turned out to be one of my favourites. I used some left over green veg from my Sunday roast and a couple of eggs. Simple and easy and very filling. Just what Monday mornings...
Avocado Omelette

Avocado Omelette

Incredible breakfast bursting with healthy fats Omega 3 & 6, Protein, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Calcium and Magnesium. This breakfast really will lift your spirits, keep you feeling full up and supply your body and mind with enough nutrition to...
Banana Pancakes

Banana Pancakes

3 ingredient Banana Pancake recipe (with optional blueberries for 4 ingredients) Bananas contain potassium which helps to lower blood pressure. The protein and B12 in the eggs will provide you with plenty of energy. 300 calories Print Recipe Super Easy Banana Pancakes...
Choccy Pancakes

Choccy Pancakes

We all like something sweet and why not start the day with a healthy bit of chocolate guilt free. These pancakes are easy to make, gluten free, dairy free but certainly not fun free. This will put a smile on your face for the rest of the day. Print Recipe Chocolate...