3 ingredient Banana Pancake recipe (with optional blueberries for 4 ingredients)

Bananas contain potassium which helps to lower blood pressure.

The protein and B12 in the eggs will provide you with plenty of energy.

300 calories

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Super Easy Banana Pancakes
Cook Time 10 minutes
1 person
Cook Time 10 minutes
1 person
  1. Break the eggs into a bowl and mash one banana into it, aiming for a fairly smooth consistency. I use a fork as a food processor / blender tends to add too much air into the mixture. It doesn’t matter if the mixture is a little chunky.
  2. Chop the second banana and leave to one side.
  3. Spray a little olive oil into a frying pan. I’ve used a small frying pan in order to get 4 small pancakes from this mixture but you can use whichever size pan you want. This amount of mixture would also cover a normal sized frying pan for 1 large pancake.
  4. Add the mixture to the frying pan and after approximately 30 seconds, flip the pancake over to cook the other side.
  5. Once all pancakes are cooked, add the chopped banana and slide a chunk of butter between each pancake so it melts deliciously.
  6. And there you have it! A really tasty, filling, nutritious treat for breakfast.
  7. You can adapt this recipe with any other fruit topping (such as blueberries) and the maple syrup is optional should you be trying to cut down your sugar intake.
Recipe Notes

The consistency can vary in these pancakes and it took me a couple of attempts to get it right. Using a single egg frying pan worked well in the end as it was easier to manipulate. But whether it looks photo perfect it tastes amazing. Keep persevering!


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