+44(0)7555 052769 helen@helenwaddington.com

I love the colour of this soup! Green food is the way forward if you want to heal your gut and reduce your IBS symptoms. And green is my favourite colour as you may note from my website :o)

This powerful soup will really help you to reduce your IBS symptoms by providing you with a powerful set of nutrients that perform two main functions. Firstly they will transform Fat Soluble Toxins (poisons that normally just  sit in your fat cells going nowhere) into Water Soluble Toxins! This means that the toxins in your body can be excreted through your urine when you eat foods filled with sulforaphane.

The second major gut health benefit of this soup is the anti-inflammatory properties of the vegetables. This will act like a soothing balm over your inflamed insides, IBS is caused by three things: Gut bacterial imbalance, inflammation, food sensitivities – and this soup will go along way towards calming an inflamed bowel and reducing your bloating.

So, get into green foods for gut health! They really are the way forward and your gut will thank you for it!


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IBS Gut Power Soup
Course Soups
Cuisine Vegan
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Passive Time 3 minutes
2 portions
Course Soups
Cuisine Vegan
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Passive Time 3 minutes
2 portions
  1. Wash and chop eat spinach, broccoli and zucchini (courgette) and add these to a saucepan of water, just enough to cover the veg.
  2. Add the stock and seasoning and bring to a boil.
  3. Cook for 8 - 10 minutes until the veg is soft and tender then blend until you reach the desired consistency. If you have too much water in the pan, then drain a bit off for a thicker soup.
  4. You can add a few pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds or even some roasted chickpeas for a bit of extra protein in this delicious meal, but I prefer the soup on its own. Knowing how much good it is doing my whole body and enjoying the flavour.
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