+44(0)7555 052769 helen@helenwaddington.com

What could be simpler, more energising and better for your gut than a bowl of love straight from our Mother Nature?

This simple dish will raise your energy levels, all the lovely antioxidants int eh berries will soothe your gut. The honey will increase your energy and is antibacterial, anti fungal and anti-inflammatory. The seeds will provide you with healthy fats, protein and keep you feeling fuller for longer. This is a breakfast or brunch bowl that I simply adore and enjoy regularly throughout the summer months.

This recipe is a real winner and couldn’t be simpler to make. My best piece of advice would be to source organic ingredients as this can up your nutrient intake by 35% meaning you will get 35% more energy from this meal than if you buy toxic and over processed foods. I know organic can be expensive but your gut is your energy centre and deserves a bit of loves. Plus when you eat properly, you will find you need less food in the first place and eventually the cost evens out.

*One thing to note, this breakfast bowl is great for IBS sufferers, however, if you suffer with Diverticular Disease (IBD) then the seeds in the strawberries and raspberries will do you no good. Diverticular disease happens when your body has created small pockets on inflammation within the gut walls that small seeds can easily get trapped in, causing pain and irregular bowel movements.

If you are unsure whether you have IBS or Diverticular, you are welcome to book your free call with me on my IBS page on the website. I have great experience of both IBS and Diverticular, as I cured my own IBS and my mothers Diverticular many years ago and I would be happy to help. 

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Helen's Love Bowl
Prep Time 2 minutes
1 person
Prep Time 2 minutes
1 person
  1. Wash and chop the fruit. Add the seeds. Drizzle in honey. Once tried, I know you will be craving this bowl of love more and more. Enjoy!
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