This healthy breakfast is full of protein, with enough carbs and healthy fats (omegas 3 and 6) to keep you going until lunchtime.

This little breakfast alone will provide you with a healthy dose of vitamins A, B12, and D, with the parsley garnish providing antioxidants.

This is a great meal for your eyes, hair, skin and brain function!

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Omega Boost Breakfast
Course Breakfasts
Cuisine Gluten Free
Cook Time 15 minutes
1 person
Course Breakfasts
Cuisine Gluten Free
Cook Time 15 minutes
1 person
  1. Place your smoked salmon on a sliced and toasted wholemeal muffin
  2. Do not add butter as this recipe is delicious without it!
  3. Poach your eggs and place them on top of your muffin before garnishing with fresh parsley and crushed black pepper.
  4. You can use a gluten free muffin if you are on a gluten free diet
Recipe Notes

I love this breakfast and have this more often than not. Its tasty, full of protein and keeps me going for ages.

#IBSFree Food

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