Bubble and Squeak
We never waste food in our house and this is a great way to use leftover veggies from the Sunday roast. I had made too many carrots, cabbage and broccoli for this hearty breakfast (which was more of a brunch). This is not the least calorific breakfast to have however it is really tasty, filling and also includes 3 of your 10 a day! If you add tomatoes on the side you have upped that to 4!
Servings Prep Time
2people 5minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
2people 5minutes
Cook Time
  1. Mash the cold, cooked veg (cabbage, carrots and broccoli). Add the grated potato and squash into a ball. Flatten this into a pancake shape and add into a hot pan with olive oil.
  2. Whilst this is cooking, crisp up the bacon (I used my air fryer).
  3. Poach or fry the eggs so they don’t touch for easy separation.
  4. Turn the bubble and squeak pattie over and cook through on the other side until golden and slightly crispy both sides.
  5. Top with the egg, crisp up the bacon (optional) and garnish with coriander!